Header Picture

Header Picture
Poznan Old Town at night

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Katie Fitch Fundraising Idea!

We recently received an email from Katie Fitch, Poland Nazarene Mission volunteer who is on her second "tour of duty". Katy has been a significant part of the volunteer team in Poznan and has now taken the challenge of moving to Krakow to assist with this new work there.

Here is her short, to the point, message:

"Hi All! We are trying to raise funds to finish the Krakow shop! If you are interested we would love to have any church or individual participate as possible!"
Katie R. Fitch

Katie R. Fitch

Here is her idea if you would like to participate. If you would like an image of the following graphic to use in a fundraising campaign, send a note to polandnaz@gmail.com and we will immediately send these along to you. Thanks to Katie for her initiative and Helka's artistry.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Poland Update #2

Poland Partners Update #2

How you can be a part of the miracle of the birth of the church in Krakow, Poland?

1.         Pray specifically, in a focused way, for God’s help to complete the Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop!
2.         Take on the challenge of contributing sacrificially for one or more of the needs listed below!
3.         Challenge your Church or Sunday School class or your Bible Study to take on one or more of the items on the needs list below!
4.         Forward information about these needs to your friends who may have resources and would love to be a part of this miracle!
5.         Join the Katie Fitch challenge to give at least the equivalent of two cups of gourmet coffee (about $5.00 each) to support the miracle. (More information on this challenge coming soon on another blog on this site.)
Sweet Surrender Coffee House
Remember that Sweet Surrender Coffee House is the way in which this ministry reaches out to the community in order to share Christ. The shop is the first step to build Bible study groups and eventually to organize a new Church of the Nazarene.

Already in place is the nucleus of three families, natives of Poland. They are prepared to minister to the community and to organize a new Church of the Nazarene when the people are ready. Also in place are several volunteers who are ready to assist in opening and running the shop and to participate in helping to develop the new faith community. First, we need the Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop to open!

The financial needs for this miracle to take place are:

1.         Labor Costs. Funds to pay for labor expenses to finish
Plumbing fixture awaiting installation
the coffee bar                                        $  600.00
kitchen electrical service                         $  400,00
bathroom electrical service                     $  300.00
backsplash for kitchen area                     $  300.00
plumbing                                               $  400.00
Total.                                                   $2000.00.
Kitchen area in process

2.         Equipment Costs. Funds to pay for equipment needed in order to open the shop.
            Fridge/freezer for kitchen -                     $1400.00
Industrial dishwasher -                           $2400.00
Glass display cabinet for coffee bar -       $2000.00 --$3000.00 (used/new)
Lighting in kitchen -                                $400.00
Misc. pots, pans, dishes cups -                $500.00
Cash register -                                       $600.00

3.         Legal costs:                                         $3000.00

If you or your group would like to take on one or more of these specific challenges and make the miracle happen, please let us know at polandnaz@gmail.com so that the missionaries will know how to plan effectively.

Instructions for how to send financial support may be found at the bottom of this blog’s home page.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our greatest need right now is prayer!


Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop Poznan and ministry staff:
  • With illnesses and injuries and reassignments, we suddenly need to train 3 new staff.
  • Our volunteers need strength while the new staff comes up to speed.
  • Helka, Poznan’s Sweet Surrender’s 24-year-old manager, desperately needs healing and health; she is facing dialysis, and she’s a critical person in our ministry.
January 22 is our second outreach service for ministry and assimilation of people reached!


Worship services have begun in Krakow, with 19 present last week! Pray for God’s blessing of funding and leadership for this church plant.
The beautiful new Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop and new ministry staff in Krakow are facing big challenges:
  • The coffee shop needs to be completed so it can open for business. We need $10,000.00 in the next few weeks because of additional legal requirements, needed equipment, and shop purchases. We have paid roughly 20% of the total purchase price to date.
  • Volunteers Katie Fitch and Emily Allred have just moved to Krakow this month to take up their duties.
Pray for us (Ev and Rhonda) as we lead this creative ministry in Poland: we need strength, creative leadership, spiritual guidance as the Nazarene Church grows in Poland.
Tuesday morning I lay in bed looking to the digital clock, 4:32 a.m., all was dark and quiet. The thought came to my mind was that as long as it stayed dark and quiet, our daughter Autumn would not have to leave for her flight back to the US that morning. Of course, that is not how life unfolds. The sun rose, we took her to the airport, and today she is back at school in Nampa. We greatly miss her, as well as our daughter Ariel, son-in-law Justin, the new granddaughters, and the rest of our family.

· Pray for these needs each day.
· Participate in financial needs through giving as God leads for this ministry.
· Be aware of people you know who have gifts, abilities, and resources to become a part of this ministry partnership.