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Poznan Old Town at night

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poland Update #3

1. Miracle Offering is happening!

                It’s true: when God’s people pray, He answers! Thank you, Partners, for praying for the significant financial needs of the Krakow Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop so that it can be completed and opened for outreach.

                It was not long after our request for prayer for the still-needed appliances, the finishing work, and the legal fees that people began to respond: generous financial gifts were on their way. Praise God and thank you to everyone who is helping meet this need. Through your prayers and gifts the miracle is happening. It looks as if we are assured of what is needed to finish the shop and open it for business. We are already holding services in it.
Dr. Dennis Johnson Preaching in new shop

2. Shop Progress.

              As the funds are arriving, we are purchasing and installing the last of the appliances. Finishing work with the electric and plumbing is taking place even now. Here are some pictures in the kitchen, the pantry, the front coffee bar area, and the public restroom area.

Kitchen area

Coffee Bar area

Pantry with new Fridge!
Client Bathroom

3. Volunteers have arrived and are on the job.

Katie, Emily, Jamie, Dennis
                Katie Fitch has moved to Krakow from her volunteer position in Poznan to run the coffee shop. Emily Allred has arrived and will work with children and in the coffee shop. Josh and Paige Stines have just arrived from Tennessee. Pastors Dennis and Jamie Johnson have arrived for the first half of their six month commitment to work with the ministry development team as they lay plans to open Bible studies, hold outreach events, and begin worship services. They are all a part of the foundation of this work as God begins His work through the Nazarene Church in Krakow.

Josh and Paige

4. Inquiries about regular giving to Poland ministries.

Several of our Partners have asked if they could give monthly to this ministry. We are grateful for everyone’s help and, yes, this can be done. It is through the same way as larger one time gifts are given either through the local church or directly to Nazarene WEC, the General Treasurer’s Office. It is crucial that any funds for the ministry in Poland be clearly marked for Poland ministry. If not clearly designated, the funds may simply go to the general funds of the Church and not specifically to Poland Nazarene Missions.

5. Meanwhile, back in Poznan…

Poznan fellowship after service
            A video of the second worship service is on Facebook with lots of pictures of the after party and the service itself. Almost 100 people attended the service, and afterwards the shop was jammed with people having great fellowship. Thank the Lord.

           The Poznan shop is hosting a series of film production workshops by Monika beginning next weekend, a concert on the 25th, and another outreach service on March 2.

6. Prayer needs.  Please join us in a focused prayer…

* for the logistics that remain as we complete the Krakow shop and open it for ministry outreach. Focus on finishing the installation of the new equipment, completing the plumbing, electric, carpentry, and painting, and completing the complicated legal work.
* in thanking God for the generous gifts of support that are now flowing through the pipeline and are making this all possible.
* for the shop opening, perhaps in mid-March. This push to finish the shop and open for business will put tremendous strain on limited human resources, but God is able to give strength for the task.