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Poznan Old Town at night

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spring 2014 Update

                The Church of the Nazarene in Poland has been busy these past few weeks! Let me tell you about this and also share some prayer requests that have grown out of what is happening.

                Our workers in Poznan continue to distinguish themselves both in the work of the Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop ministry and in sharing the love of Christ in the community. The shop continues to grow both in its effective outreach and in its financial stability. 

                We owe a great debt of gratitude to our Volunteers and our local Poznan people. God continues to bless their fellowship together and give them fruit for their labors.

                Many of you are aware that we have had several years of working with some complexities in connection with our past work in Gdansk. God has worked a number of great miracles as we have cleared titles to property and dealt with complicated tax issues. Thank God! 

The papers have been signed transferring the Gdansk property to the Foundation!

        There are stirrings from Gdansk from those who would like to see this work come back to life. Please join us in praying about what our next steps might be to use our resources in Gdansk for God’s glory.

                These exciting things are underway:

1.            We have had wonderful meetings in Krakow with the EurAsia Regional Director and the Field Strategy Coordinators from the Region.
2.            May 7 - July 30:  we look forward to two “immersion” team girls from Trevecca Nazarene University who will be working with our ministries in Poznan and Krakow.
3.            May 21 – 31:  the Northwesterners singing group (which includes Autumn Tustin, younger daughter of Ev and Rhonda Tustin) from Northwest Nazarene University will tour our work in Copenhagen, Denmark, Malmø, Sweden, and in Poznan and Krakow, and help in outreach at the Sweet Surrender Shop ministries in each city.
4.            June 20 - July 3:  the John Day, Oregon, Work and Witness team will be working in Poznan doing critical work on our building, replacing windows in the first floor shop and the third floor apartment. This work is critical to the soundness of these properties.
5.            July 26 - August 7:  the Plymouth, Michigan, Work and Witness team will be in Poznan to continue the work on the windows in the shop and apartment.
6.            September 12 – 26:  the South Texas Work and Witness team led by Duane Srader will be in Poznan the complete the work on the windows in the shop and apartment.

                We ask you to join us in prayer for the safe travel and effective ministry of all of these groups in our work in Poznan and Krakow. Join us in praying that God will continue to put our ministry in Poland on the hearts of churches and Districts to help us with other needed Work and Witness projects.

                Thank God for our Volunteers who continue to be willing to come work in our coffee shop ministries.  If you think of people who might be willing and able to do effective work in our coffee shops, please have them get in touch with me to see if spending several months to a year or more as a Volunteer might be a great way for them to serve God. We are always on the lookout for those who may have experience at working in coffee shops, who can come and help us feed the love of coffee that many Polish people have, and who would also share God’s love with them.
On a related note, one of our very effective volunteers over the past several years in Poland is Katie Fitch. Katie was instrumental in the opening of the shops both in Poznan and Krakow, and now is helping start a new shop started in Copenhagen, Denmark by the Greve Church of the Nazarene there. Pray for Katie, check out her blog at http://katieraesadventures.blogspot.com , and perhaps invite her to share her ministry in your church (she is currently home in the States to raise support for her ministry).


Heads up!
* We hope to schedule several Partners Meetings this fall in the United States. Watch for announcements!

* In just a few days you will receive another Poland Partners’ Update about our work in Krakow! Some exciting things are happening, but we are also facing some faith-stretching challenges!