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Poznan Old Town at night

Friday, October 7, 2011

Poland Update #13

            The past weeks have been very busy ones as we change seasons with the rest of the world! Time has slipped by, and there are so many things to tell you about what God is doing in Poland. Most of what we share with you in the Update is about our work and how God is blessing and challenging us with His grand purpose for the Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop ministry in Poland. Outreach events, days with happy people visiting the shop, worship experiences with those who become a part of our fellowship are just a few of the things that keep us all very busy and fulfilled with what God is doing in Poland.

Welcome! W & W Team from Spokane WA First Church

Team in Poznan Old Town
            For our first Update of the fall we thought it would be a good idea to say “THANKS!” to many people by featuring a Work & Witness team from Spokane, Washington, this past July. And we also thought it would be interesting to you to hear directly from the team members themselves. Jeff Shea, Team Leader, sent us wonderful photos of them on the job.

Here are some of the team members’ thoughts about their experience and about what God is doing:

Doug Jones
“I went to the community outreach to observe how people from another culture worship.  Instead God touched me at the core of who I am to help me come to a point of forgiving the most painful moment in my life.” – Doug Jones

Kathy Jones
“I am so excited that the Lord is working among the young adults in Poland.  The worship service at the Mercury Hotel was so incredible.  The reGeneration choir and Ev’s preaching really touched so many people, including Doug and me.”
-Kathy Jones

“My highlight was being able to use my skills to reach out and help our family in Christ, also the different opportunities to share Christ with others in many ways.”
-Victor Morrison

Vic in Kitchen before renovation.
Kitchen after renovation

Barry and Debbie

“After the Saturday evening service at Sweet Surrender Poznan, visiting with the young people in our broken/non-existent Polish, and laughing and learning a bit about their lives, is a very vivid/fond memory. “
-Barry Roth

“It was so rewarding to work so hard in the shop to be ready to ‘open’ for the Saturday night service.  We were able to see the main reason Sweet Surrender exists, which was inspiring and encouraging knowing the Gospel is being preached in Poland.”
-Debbie Roth

“The church service at the hotel was inspiring.  It was also inspiring that the girl in the seat next to me flying home wanted to talk about her feelings/rejection of God and her catholic religion.  I’m not good with words but the Lord was there to give me words and thoughts for her.”
-Jeanie Partee

Jana, Jeff & Tyler
"It was an honor and privilege to see firsthand how the Lord is working in people's hearts in Poland.  We were blessed to make wonderful new friends, and to be an encouragement to our missionaries and volunteers."
- Jana Shea

“We are so blessed to have gifted missionaries like Ev and Rhonda ministering to the people of Poland.  It was a privilege to partner with them and assist in spreading the Gospel in this beautiful country.”
-Jeff Shea

Tyler and Garrett

           God blessed the Sweet Surrender ministry in Poznan in very special ways through this dedicated team from Spokane First Nazarene Church. We are so grateful to them. 

One of the creative things they did, in addition to the work on the Poznan shop, was to sponsor one of our Outreach Events. They fully funded the cost for the hotel venue where the event was held and also covered the expenses for other necessary arrangements for special music, PA equipment, etc. How wonderful for them to have caught the vision of how our work can be made more effective through these outreach events. We are happy to add them to the growing list of people and churches that have helped in the past and for those who will take up the challenge to help us in the future.

            We are very thankful for all who have come to Poland to help us. Our wonderful corps of Volunteers is second to none! The people in our growing community of faith in Poznan and Krakow are also wonderfully gifted for the ministry we are doing together!

            Facing big challenges ahead in this ministry, we continue to be thankful for your prayers. Many of you have not visited Poland to see the work yet. We hope that doing so becomes a part of your future plans. If you feel challenged to put together a Work & Witness team or to put together a Prayer/Vision trip to Poland, let us know and we will be happy to work with you on dates for the future.

            In the meantime, continue to pray for these fledgling works in Poznan and Krakow. We will be bringing you additional information and inspiration about the work in Poland. 

Prayer Needs

Please join us in focused prayer for the Poland ministry!
*Continue to pray for the continued effectiveness of ministry outreach events and worship services.
*Continue to pray that God will make funds and locations available for outreach events.
*Pray for our Volunteers. They are a key to what God is doing through the coffee shops.
*Pray for our new Christians in Poland that they will be faithful and follow God's plan for their lives.
*Pray for future financial resources for outreach events and Krakow building payments.

*Pray for Work & Witness teams.
*Pray for Katie Fitch as she heads to Copenhagen, Denmark, to begin a new Sweet Surrender Coffee Shop.

Practical Suggestions to Support Poland Ministry

1. Pray that God will continue to pour out His Spirit on the ministry.
2. Sponsor an outreach event. (The cost is about $700.00 hundred dollars for each event.)
3. Join with others who have decided to give a specific amount to this ministry monthly. This would help the ministry know how to plan as they search for a more adequate worship location.
4. Reach out to prospective “Poland Partners” or others who would be interested in supporting this ministry. 
5. Visit Poland by organizing or joining a Prayer/Vision or Work & Witness trip to see what's happening for yourself

Instructions for sending funds are found below, at the bottom of this blog page.